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According to the Cambridge English Dictionary :
" Yoga is a set of physical and mental exercises, originally from India, intended to give control over the body and mind."
Practicing Yoga
As nicely explained in the yoga journal, "in Pantanjali's yoga sutra, there are 8 limbs of yoga that allow us to live a meaningful and purposeful life.They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature."
We all have different reasons to come to a yoga class, for some it is because they are looking for a new type of exercise, some wants to experience the meditative effect from it, some have just been dragged along by a caring friend, some got the schedule wrong, some want a good stretch, some want to understand how a physical practice is affecting your mind and therefore your life.
It would be lying to say that I first came onto the mat to experience what yoga is really about,
I was actually looking for a form of unwinding to get rid of tensions that could have built up in my body. But I got hooked, I did not know why but I just wanted to practice more and regularly, I started to feel the benefits, in my body, in my mind. It might sounds cheesy, but yoga changed the way I approach life.
Asana and Pranayama are 2 of the 8 limbs of yoga practice.
Asana which are the poses and the physical part of the yoga practice is teaching us some fundamentals of life: first understanding our body, becoming aware of some tissues (muscles, fascia, joints etc) that we often dismiss, learning where our body is in space (proprioception awareness), accepting uncomfortable situations and getting into the habit to breath through discomfort (you then learn that everything passes, that getting back to the breath will help you focus, what can change you change, what you can't, you accept)
Pranayama techniques are exercises to control the breath and to strengthen our respiratory system therefore during classes, we always intend to connect with our breath and try to understand the yogic breath.
Types of Yoga
I teach different types of classes depending on the time of the day and energy of the students. Classes are adapted to all levels, modifications and variations of poses are always possible.
Vinyasa flow which is a mix of Hatha and Vinyasa focused on building strength and flexibility with plenty of shoulders and hip openers as well as core strength.
Unwinding Restorative flow which is a slower pace class aiming at unwind the tension accumulated from an intense day of work, surf or stress.
The weekly Thursday Yoga Class is a Vinyasa flow with some breathing exercises and restorative poses. It is ideal to build up body awareness along with strength and flexibility to improve your surf performance, unwind from a day of work or to simply enjoy the benefits of yoga have on your life.

Outdoor yoga class, wide legged spinal twist

Forward fall

Boat Pose, Navasana to build up core strength and stability

Outdoor yoga class, wide legged spinal twist
Group Classes
Group classes are motivating and invigorating, always bring a good energy to practice among other yogis.
I teach outdoors every Mondays at 18:30 & Thursdays at 18:15 in Baleal.
Contact me to join the next class.

Yoga on Demand
If you are a group of 4 friends or plus wanting to do yoga, we can arrange some classes when fits for you best.
Feel free to message me if you would like to discuss it or arrange a class.

Private Yoga, Breathing, Meditation Classes
Private Classes can be helpful for several reasons:
To discover yoga and learn the basics without having to care about being in class of mixed levels
To get back into yoga after a break and improve quicker with the right and adapted advice to your level and practice.
To take your practice to next level and have some sequences adapted to your goal whether its flexibility, strength meditation or inversions. The aim is for you to take home some specific exercises to keep improving after the class.
To create the right routine for your needs so you can keep practicing on your own.
To reduce stress and anxiety levels by learning breathing exercises to strengthen your respiratory system and increase your resilience to stress..