My Services

Osteopatía Canina
Canine Osteopathy is osteopathy specialised for dogs, therefore the same practice and principles are applied as with human osteopathy: improving health and the recovery of injuries by treating the dog as a whole rather than focussing only on the site of pain or dysfunction.
The difference with general human osteopathy is that we need to work thoroughly with the owners, vets, trainers and behaviourists to achieve the best outcome for the animal.
On the website of the European School of Osteopathy, it is well explained as being : "A unique aspect of working with animals is the need to excel in non-verbal communications and an ability to assess external factors implicated in a case presentation. Those able to master these skills and have an enquiring clinical mind, often have the best outcomes and success rates. Clinically, animal osteopaths use the same range of techniques as human osteopaths, simply modifying where necessary."

Why would your dog need an osteopathic treatment ?
Dogs are amazingly good at coping with pain and compensating throughout their body. Nevertheless, it does not mean they should not get any help when they are getting an injury or if you start to observe a change in behaviour, which can often be the result of pain.
Osteopathic treatment can be needed to support a rehabilitation program, along post-operative care or for minor injuries and age-related conditions.
What can Canine Osteopathy help ?
Canine Osteopathy can help a broad range of conditions such as:
Geriatric dogs - stiffness, lack of mobility, poor quality of life
Front or rear leg lameness
The "non-diagnosable" lameness
Back or neck pain
generalised aches and pain
Sports injuries
muscles spasms
forelimb limp/hind limb limp
IVDD - Intervertebral disc disease
Change in behaviour due to pain
The aim is to improve the dog's quality of living and get him back into doing the things that matters to his daily life.
How is a session?
The difference with dogs is that they are not able to tell us where it hurts and what is exactly going on, therefore questioning the dog owner about the dog's habit and any recent change in behaviour is really important before starting any treatment.
After finishing the case history, the dog will be walked by the owner in order to observe his gait for any limp, asymmetry, compensation pattern that you might not have noticed and will start to give us clues about the area of pain and compensations.
Then hands on treatment starts, every joint are tested for mobility, as lack of movement is a hint in the search for the cause of the problem.
At the end of the session, any exercises that would help speed up the recovery along with advices will be discussed.

Articulation of the hind limb

Forelimb traction

Puppy love

Articulation of the hind limb